A quick start guide for tuning forks written by the founder and creator of The Alexander Method®.
From finding a fork set that resonates with you to learning to spot high quality forks, Lisa expertly walks you through the essentials to get started using tuning forks for your personal or professional healing practice.
She covers many of her favorite forks used in The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound Therapy. Brimming with information, this guide also includes links to many "how to" videos for added instruction.
Lisa Alexander, Author
is a Quantum Metaphysician, creator, teacher, and practitioner of The Alexander Method® of Vibrational Sound & Energy Therapy. Her unique, advanced program bridges the gap between science and spirituality to offer healing services through each layer of our existence.
Lisa is also the inventor of the revolutionary Pineal Crystal Activation/Gateway Tuning Fork Set and the creator of top-quality, medical-grade tuning forks and accessories.
Lisa is also a certified Theta Healer, Meditation Trainer, HeartMath Practitioner, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki healer, and ordained minister.